How can he almost be six years old? Big Brother's actual birthday is next month, but close enough. I have noticed so... much change in him just in the last few months. Forget telling secrets under your breath anymore. The kid hears and understands it ALL. We used to be able to get away with spelling things around him so that he would not know what we were talking about, but that no longer works either (he's so smart). Now I just have to tell Daddy, "remind me to tell you something later"- which he never remembers ---so things just go unsaid...If it's important enough one of us will remember eventually, right? I don't know if I'm ready for my child to actually see ALL my faults and start to mimic them too... How awful is that! I want him to continue to be the PERFECT child he has always been! He isn't allowed to notice that Mommy is NOT perfect and that I have faults... I think his little view of the world is actually changing right before my eyes and I DO NOT like it. My little "ANGEL BABY" (this is an actual term from the book Baby Wise) is actually growing into a BIG boy...
WIS, WWA | Did I eat pancakes??
6 hours ago