Saturday, January 31, 2009

Double Award...

organizewithsandyreviews presented me with a double-award! Be sure to check out her blog filled with great organizing tips. Thanks so much Sandy! You're the coolest...

The Fabulous-Coolest Butterfly Blog Award comes with a few rules: Put the logo on your blog or post. Nominate 5-10 blogs which you think are fabulous and cool. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. Share the love and link it back to this blog.

And I nominate 5 of my favorite newest reads:



I've been reading Dr. James Dobson's book "Bringing up Boys." It's great and really gives some insight into dealing with my husband and 2 boys. A few of the things I thought worth mentioning regarding boys and their fathers are as follows:

  • There is an undeneniable linkage between fathers and babies beginning at birth

  • Infants as young as six weeks old can differentiate between their mother's and father's voice

  • Infants are born with a drive to find and connect to their fathers. As they begin to speak, their word for "father" often preceeds their word for "mother."

  • Toddlers will seek out their father, ask for him when he's not present and are fascinated when he talks to them.

A father holds awesome power in the lives of his children, for good or ill. One wise observer said, "Tie a boy to the right man and he almost never goes wrong." Another said, "No man stands as tall as when he stoops to help a boy."

Friday, January 30, 2009

6th in the 6th

A lot of you have already been tagged for this so I tag anyone else who wants to do it! It's quick, easy and fun to take a look back at your old photos. So here's my 6th picture in my 6th folder...

Here's a pic of my little guy last summer playing in our backyard. I'm not quite sure what kind of expression that is, but the frog shirt is cute!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Disney Trip 2009

My boys
The cool dinosaur egg
The boys brushing a little lamb
We love monkeys
and more....
On the safari ride in Animal Kingdom
With Donald Duck
These legos are mine!
We love Mr. Potato Head

Here are some pics from our trip to Disney this year. The boys had a great time! Little brother was a little scared on some of the rides. He can't quit talking about the 3D movie, A Bug's Life. These are his exact words, "Mommy, that bug SPIT on my face!" In the movie a light spray of water actually splashes the audience and he was totally freaked out. I guess that's a little hard for a 2 year old to comprehend. Big brother, on the other hand, showed NO FEAR. He was so ready to ride Everest and wanted to ride it again and again. { I am so glad I did not have to ride it } Although I did let Daddy talk me into riding Space Mountain. What was I thinking? After standing in line (by myself) by 35 minutes with to 2 teenage girls I realized 2 things about myself. 1-I am a huge chicken when it comes to roller coasters and, 2-just how old those teenage girls made me feel as I listened to them discuss the book and movie Twilight (I was presently reading the book and just saw the movie twice a few weeks back). Boy, I am older than I thought! All in all, Disney was great fun as always, but I do not think we will be frequenting it over another holiday weekend. Much too..... crowded for me.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Does anyone out there watch Prison Break? Is this guy HOT or what?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I got an Award!

I was so excited this morning to receive another blog award. This time it was The Lemonade Award from littlebowprep. Her blog is one of my favorites. She may be only 16 years old, but she sure has a cute blog.

For the Lemonade Award, here are the rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show GREAT ATTITUDE and/or GRATITUDE!

3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

Here are 10 blogs that I think show Great Attitude and/or Gratitude:

  • penniesinmypocket - Great common sense shopping tips.

  • lovingmom2boys - We both have 2 little boys and have lots in common.
  • monogrammedlife - Who doesn't love a great "love story" every once in a while? Let's keep our fingers crossed that this blogger and her "Country" finally end up living together in the SAME place.

  • kelleygreen - We found each other's blogs on facebook and have reconnected. How fun!

  • allthingsinmoddy - Great blog with such darling pics of her little girl!

  • twobooboos - We both have 2 boys and they are the best of friends plus we are neighbors!

  • allsorts -Fun colorful crafty blog.

  • lipstickatthemailbox -One of my all-time favorite bloggers. We share a love for Stallone.

  • livingonathought - A fellow realtor with such a cute blog!

  • thelookforless - Who doesn't want tips on how to dress like a celebrity and for LESS?

Monday, January 26, 2009

My favorite beauty finds

This post was totally copied from one of my favorite bloggers - themcmommychronicles. I think it's so great to get recommendations for beauty products. I mean, the selection is overwhelming and it's great to have some sort of direction.

  • California Baby Super Sensitive Everyday Lotion. This was recommended by McMommy and I want to thank her b/c I absolutely love it! It even has a light almond scent. And the best part-I picked it up at Target!

  • Ponds Cold Cream-it's so cheap and works great to take off that stubborn mascara. I have a problem with other make-up removers burning my eyes, but this has never done me wrong. I have been using it since I've been wearing makeup.

  • Dove Soap-so cheap, but great! Much better than all those expensive soaps.

  • Aquaphor Healing Ointment-I first bought it for my baby's dry skin, but now use it for lip gloss, esp. before bed! It's great and you can get it anywhere.

  • Avon Glazewear Lip Gloss- you can get it at on sale for about $1.99. It's great and they have so many colors.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

TNT Stallone...athon

Do the Rocky movies motivate you to be more active? I was so... motivated and pumped up after watching Rocky II this morning (while making my 2 little boys fans BTW) that I went for a run. It's also part of my homework for training to run a 5K this Spring. It was by far one of my BEST runs so far and I'm sure the "Rocky Motivation Factor" played a large part. The Stallone Marathon has been running on TNT all weekend and I would LOVE nothing more than to plant myself on the couch and watch it ALL day. I just may have to get down on the floor and do a couple of sits ups though. It's just so MOTIVATING!