Friday, September 26, 2008

Blanket story....

My boys both have a strong attachment to their blankets they have had since birth. Big Brother used to call his "bye" and now it's simply "blanket" and Little Brother calls his "tee tee." Where these names came from who knows?? I do know that I also had a blanket - my "nee nee" and I will admit I held onto it for way too... long. I specifically recall the weekend I lost it. I was staying with Nichole (my cousin) at her parents penthouse at the Sheraton in North Myrtle Beach and I left it in one of the bedroom dressers. When I came back later to look for it the maid had thrown it out thinking it was some old rag. Needless to say, I was very upset..Yes, I know 12 years old is too long to have a childhod blanket, but I did.... I do hope that the boys will shed their blankets before they are almost teenagers!!!

My little artist...

Big Brother has become quite the little artist. Ever since he's started 5K he loves to draw. Most days we get home around 3 pm and he colors or pratices his writing til about 5 pm. It's crazy-the kid is so excited about learning, it's great!! Who knew he would actually enjoy doing his homework - something I was secretly dreading... but thankfully really enjoy now. He's such a great kid- has always been so easy...For a child to not even mind being roused from a deep sleep when he was just snuggled under the covers and still dark outide.... It's off to school we go usually out the house at 7:15 am. Now, that's an early morning for me....It sure would be great if this love for school continues..I will keep my fingers crossed.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The boy and his shoes....

Little Brother just loves his shoes!!! He started out when he was about 1 year old wearing camo crocs. He really loved those things. They were the only shoes he would wear. One of his first words was "crocs." Now he enjoys a little variety in his life, he sometimes wears his Elmo tennis shoes. Don't get me wrong-the black crocs with the Elmo jibbitt are still his favorites, but the Elmo tennis shoes come in at a close second. I have never seen a child love his shoes so much..Whew..I wonder what it will be like when he gets older. I have already started giving away some of Big Brother's old shoes that I had saved for LB. I don't think they will do.....


Dargan is Trouble. Today we were playing some soccer in the backyard and he went inside for a sip of juice. Next thing I knew, he had locked himself inside the house with me outside waiting on him to play more soccer!!! It's a damn good thing I hid an extra key in the garage or I don't know what we would have done. What a little stinker-he gets into everything!! I'm sure I have lots more in store in the years to come....