Will sprinting towards the beach....

What a pose....

My Handsome Big Boy!!!!

Dargan havin' fun in the tidal pool..

The only picture I could get of Dargan smiling for the camera..
I took the boys to the Isle of Palms to play on the beach one day last week after school. They had a great time and the weather was beautiful!!! Not a cloud in the sky. I had intended on having them pose for me near the sand dunes, but they had another idea. Will did cooperate, but Dargan was having NO part in it!!!He just wanted to get his hands and feet into that sand and water as fast as possible....I really enjoyed just watching them play--the beach really is such a magical place. Sometimes I wonder why we seldom visit the beach when we live so close...I think I will have to add frequent beach trips to my never-ending to do list.....